Hari ini, ternampak seorang kawan kat dalam Facebook. Beliau sibuk update info personal beliau, contohnya subjek (celebrity, aktiviti, etc) yang dia minati, kerja di mana dan sebagainya.
Tak heran pun apa yang di update, cuma, saya tertarik perhatian saya bila dia update maklumat mengenai pekerjaan. Kat situ, dia tulis (dengan bangganya), dia bekerja sebagai pensyarah di sebuah IPT tempatat kat Malaysia ni. Hmmm.. apabila beliau tulis begitu, membuatkan saya berfikir sejenak. Dengan pengalaman belajar bersama beliau di universiti selama 5 tahun, perkara seperti ini menimbulkan secebis kebimbangan dalam hati saya kerana selama 5 tahun itu beserta pengalaman sama-sama mengerjakan latihan industri, saya amat mengenali karekteristik beliau dari segi pencapaian akademik serta pengetahuan teknikal. Straight to the point (dan bukan nak cakap saya ini pandai sangat), gred tak seberapa, final year project pun cedok sana sini, kerja tak dapat, masters pun cukup-cukup makan, last-last tiba-tiba jadi lecturer. Risau saya dengan 'pattern' sebegini. Itu baru satu pensyarah yang tak kompetitif, bagaimana pula dengan pensyarah-pensyarah yang lain yang mendidik anak-anak kita?
Cakap pasal menjadi pensyarah, saya teringat pula pada kawan yang seorang lagi. Dia ni sekarang dah jadi cikgu, walaupun pada asalnya belajar di universiti dalam jurusan yang sama dengan saya (yang semestinya tak melibatkan langsung bidang cikgu-cikgi ni). Beliau ini pula, suka atau tidak, asyik menangguhkan pembelajaran semasa di universiti (Dengan kata lain, suka extend semester selagi boleh). Dan saya dengar, masa latihan industri (LI), beliau ini cukup licik untuk ponteng 90% dari keseluruhan tempoh LI. Apa ilmu dia pakai, dia sahaja yang tahu. Saya dapat tahu beliau ini juga bermasalah mendapatkan tempat dipasaran kerja. Last sekali, saya dengan dia dah dapat jadi cikgu setelah mengikuti dalam Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah (KPLI).
Teringat pula masa di universiti, memang banyak perkara / subjek yang dipelajari. Namum demikian, saya dapati tak semua pensyarah yang mengajar itu dapat mengajar dengan baik. Tak dapat mengajar dengan baik itu, pada pengertian saya , adalah seperti di bawah :
1) Pensyarah tak berpengalaman
Dari segi pengajaran, memang diakui tak semua pensyarah tahu cara mengajar. Kadang-kadang, ada yang masuk kelas hanya untuk cukupkan syarat bekerja. Tak kurang juga yang masuk kelas lalu berpolitik, walhal sepatutnya pensyarah seharusnya mengajar, bukan berpolitik pejabat, universiti atau partisan.
2) Pensyarah tak cukup ilmu dan pengalaman
Dari segi pengetahuan, terkejut apabila dengar pensyarah-pensyarah yang disanjung ini tidak mempunyai pengetahuan atau ilmu teknikal yang cukup. Sekadar ilmu degree beliau yang cukup-cukup makan, sukar nak dapat kerja di pasaran lalu sambung belajar ambil Masters, lalu menjadi pensyarah kerana itu jalan yang paling mudah. Tak cukup dengan itu, ada juga pensyarah yang terlalu mengikut buku serta 'copy-paste' bulat-bulat dari Internet apabila menyampaikan pembelajaran. Seolah-olah kita boleh mempersoalkan pengetahuan beliau dalam topik yang diajar itu.
3) Pensyarah buat hal / bermasalah disiplin
Dulu, time saya belajar diuniversiti, ada pensyarah yang memang membenarkan dengan terang lagi jelas anak-anak murid ini tiru masa exam! Nak percaya ke tak nak, tapi itulah yang terjadi. :-)
4) Pensyarah yang mengambil kesempatan
Ada juga bisik-bisik yang selalu kita dengan dari pensyarah-pensyarah 'tak progresif' ini, katanya senang jadi pensyarah ini sebab banyak masa tapi gaji jalan. Buat research pun ala kadar je, janji dapat publish paper, bukan? Lagipun, tak perlu susah-susah tulis paper, RA (Research Assistants sekalian) kan ada? Apa lagi, perah sahaja RA-RA yang tak bersalah / yang tak tahu menahu ini. Kadang-kala, pensyarah ini pun pandai, awal-awal lagi sebaik sahaja nak student-student (yang rajin, high achievement) nak graduate, cepat-cepat di'cop' nya untuk dijadikan RA. Terdengar juga RA-RA ini yang juga diminta melakukan kerja-kerja yang tak berkaitan dengan penyelidikan mereka, sebagai contoh paling kerap : jadi personal assistant pensyarah-pensyarah ini :-) Tak tolong, pensyarah tak 'ikhlas' bagi markah. Adil kah ?
5) Pensyarah syok sendiri
Dalam pada itu, terdapat juga pensyarah-pensyarah ini yang syok sendiri, membuat research yang tak mempunyai impak ataupun tak ada basis. Orang kata, sekadar nak penuhkan CV aje. Ataupun dalam dunia akademik, asal dapat produce/publish 'paper' (kertas kajian penyelidikan) pun jadi lah. Paling malang, ada pensyarah yang buat research dengan memilih topik-topik yang memang pun telah dibuat oleh orang lain dan jadikan topik itu research beliau. Saya teringat satu kejadian di IPT tempatan dimana saya diminta mengajar suatu topik teknikal. Boleh pula satu pensyarah tu (yang kebetulan memasuki kelas saya) ambil kandungan-kandungan latihan tersebut dan di jadikan satu topik baru penyelidikan PhD yang konon-kononnya tak dibuat lagi di Malaysia. Hello?? Supervisor penyelidikan (selalunya Prof-Prof, Dr-Dr lah kan) di universiti ini pun tak up-to-date juga kah?
Dari penyataan diatas, apa yang saya risaukan?
1) Kualiti 'pengetahuan' yang kita perolehi
Kalau tenaga pengajar tidak berkualiti, sudah tentunya pengajaran akan terjejas walaupun ilmu yang ingin disampaikan itu ilmu terkini. Ini kerana untuk menyampaikan ilmu terkini, tenaga pengajar haruslah mempunyai kefahaman yang jitu terhadap ilmu pengetahuan asas dan lanjutan yang baik. Sekiranya ilmu asas pun goyah, bagaimana nak sampaikan ilmu kepada anak-anak bangsa? Akhirnya, pelajar-pelajar ini tidak dapat sepenuhnya ilmu yang seharusnya mereka perolehi disebabkan kualiti tenaga pengajar yang seperti ini.
Bayangkan, daripada puluhan ribu graduan yang dihasilkan oleh IPTA di Malaysia, berapa peratuskah yang betul-betul berkualiti ?
Sekiranya anda mempunyai anak dimasa hadapan, adakah anda risau sekiranya anak anda tidak mendapat kualiti pengajaran yang sepatutnya ? Bolehkah kita menjamin bahawa anak kita mampu mendapatkan kualiti pembelajaran yang baik/tinggi di masa hadapan?
2) Pembaziran sumber kewangan, masa, peluang dan sumber manusia
Kalau produk universiti (graduan) ini tidak berkualiti, bayangkan berapa banyak sumber kewangan yang telah dibazirkan (sebagai contoh, PTPTN, biasiswa dan pembiayaan pengajian yang lain). Belum lagi dikira jumlah beban hutang yang kena ditanggung sebaik sahaja lepas graduan. Bayangkan kos yang telah dibelanjakan untuk menggaji tenaga-tenaga pengajar yang tak berkualiti ini. Bayangkan masa yang telah digunakan oleh anak bangsa kita. Paling kurang pun 3-4 tahun secara purata digunakan untuk mengeluarkan produk yang tak berkualiti. gaimana pula dengan pembaziran sumber kewangan yang digunakan untuk menjalankan penyelidikan dari kategori 'syok sendiri' ? Dari segi ekonomi dan 'opportunity cost', bukankan lebih baik digunakan 'man days' dan sumber-sumber kewangan yang telah sia-sia ini untuk melakukan sesuatu perkara yang lebih produktif kepada diri sendiri, kepada keluarga, kepada bangsa, kepada agama?
3) Kualiti produk-produk janaan Malaysia dan graduan Malaysia
Ayat yang paling mudah adalah, garbage in, garbage out. Sekiranya kita masih mempunyai masalah tenaga pengajar yang tidak progresif dan tidak berkaliber di universiti tempatan, impak utama adalah produk hasil universiti tempatan sudah pasti juga tidak berkualiti. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan tidak berkualiti? Antaranya, sudah tentu graduan tidak kompetitif di pasaran kerja lalu back to square one -> masalah pengangguran. Sudahlah menganggur, kerajaan pula kena mengeluarkan perbelanjaan tambahan untuk menjana peluang pekerjaan. Itu kalau kes pensyarah tak berkualiti. Bagaimana pula kalau cikgu sekolah rendah atau menengah yang tidak berkualiti? Bayangkan sahaja lepasan-lepasan SPM yang tidak mempunyai kualiti, jatidiri dan nilai-nilai kompetitif sekiranya cikgu-cikgi idi sekolah-sekolah ini hanyalah guru-guru yang cukup syarat. Tak percaya? Fikirkan..kenapa murid-murid sekolah terutama sekali dibandar-bandar besar sekarang memerlukan kelas tambahan/tuisyen berbayar ? Tak cukupkan atau tak berkualitikah apa yang diajarkan disekolah? Tumbuh macam cendawan kalau kita lihat bersepah-sepah pusat tuisyen ini dibandar-bandar.
4) Beban hutang yang ditanggung akibat sikap 'tidak progresif' tenaga pengajar
Seperti yang saya nyatakan diatas, graduan-graduan yang tidak mendapat pekerjaan masih lagi perlu membayar pinjaman pengajian mereka. Sudahlah pengetahuan tidak mencapai keperluan pasaran kerja, ada pula yang bodoh sombong meninggi diri kerana memilih kerja. Keluar universiti sahaja, sudah dibebani pula dengan hutang. Siapa yang susah? Graduan susah (sebab berhutang dan tak dapat kerja), Keluarga susah (sebab memikirkan anak harapan keluarga masih lagi menganggur), Universiti susah (sebab 'rating' rendah dan tak dapat menarik pelajar-pelajar tapi masih tak sedar-sedar kriteria pemilihan/pemantauan pensyarah terlalu longgar,tidak telus, dsb), Kerajaan susah (kena memikirkan cara penyelesaikan masalah pengangguran seperti dengan cara sponsor belajar 'post-graduate', kena buka peluang menjadi kursus perguruan, kena uruskan cara menangani defisit PTPTN sebab graduan tak boleh bayar balik, dan lain-lain...)
Ya memang betul.
Tak semua pensyarah/cikgu macam apa yang saya katakan diatas.
Saya tahu, tak ramai yang bagus-bagus tapi terpaksa 'go with the flow' atas dasar kena bonded dan pelbagai lagi alasan.
Tapi bolehkah anda nafikan perkara yang saya katakan diatas ini tidak wujud?
May 17, 2011
Kebanyakan Pensyarah IPTA / Cikgu Malaysia Tak Berkualiti dan Tak Kompetitif
tak berkualiti,
tak kompetitif
May 9, 2011
Globus / Cosmos Tour Package 'Europe Highlights' (Code: 51xx - 5100,5101,5102,5103) Review - Part 1
Note : I am going to write this review in English since I believe there is not much reviews yet you can find about on Globus/Cosmos tours, on the internet.
Hola! Incase if you are looking for some reviews on Globus / Cosmos tour review, you have come to the right place since I have one to give out! I know it is hard to look for reviews, because I myself tried to look for one as well before I decided to purchase the tour package.
In short (if you do not have the time to read everything) :
- If you really want to have a Europe trip without spending much, it is a good offer with something to bear in mind. Read along..
- Tour meeting point during the 1st day was a mess, especially with Globus/Cosmos understaff resources, not so efficient participants sorting and a lot of activities happening at the same time!
- We got a Tour Director, in which she was not really a well-planned person. Some of the plans were on ad-hoc basis or on-request. But luckily, there are things which were consistent, for example, the release of publicity at hotel lifts/elevators.
- Hotel / Accomodation quality is average (In average the hotels are 1-3 star international rating) except when it is a Novotel. We have people travelling with us complaining their room was a mess, dirty and not ready for occupancy?? Gosh. And, if it really matter, internet is not included and you have to pay extra for that.
- One of the things we want to highlight is the accommodations were totally in somewhat remote areas with limited/hard to find convenient shops nearby. For example, we have to walk roughly 2 kilometres from our hotel, just to reach the nearest Metro station in Rome just to go to the city centre (not to mention they changed our accommodation at Rome, for worst, in the last minute). and, it takes another 8-10 stops in the Metro rail to reach the city center. In Paris, in average, the time you spent just to go to city center/place of interest from hotel was like a 1-hour. In average, you have to change like 2-3 lines on the subway and crossover 1-2 subway/Metro zone/lines. Wow, that's just..mind boggling. Plus, being located outside of the city centre means, you really have to look hard for foods and other necessities in case dinner is not included. What more if you have special diets like some of the participants which travelled with us. Not to mention the fares that you have to pay when you have to travel more than 1 zone/lines using the subways/Metro.
to be continued..
Some Background :
I have personally been to Europe several times on a different mode of travelling, specifically backpacking, with friends, family and relatives, where we arrange all necessary transportations, accomodation and what not, on our own. It was fun and a great experience by itself. So, based on this multiple trips to Europe, I do have a rough idea on how to 'suvive' in Europe before joining this Globus / Cosmos tour.
In my last trip, we decided take the Cosmos tour because of several limitation we have in the group. There were several senior members in the group who cannot afford to exercise backpacking style because of their age and capability. To cut the story short, we took the "Europe Highlights" (code number 51XX, e.g 5101, 5105, 5100), which takes roughly 13 days to complete. Boy, I (infact, all of us) was happy!
Since we are not located in the Europe or UK, we have to travel/fly to the meeting point, which is located in London (specifically, West of London, in the district of Hammersmith). Ok, that is fine.
The meeting point is at Novotel London West.
This is where all of the tour participants will gather and will be sorted out to indvidual groups. And this is where things are going to start to be confusing. From what we noticed, the arrangement was not systematic and it is really a haywire especially the process of boarding the tour coach!
Imagine :
- There are more than 1 tour which will be taking off from there. Each tour will have at least 3 groups. And each group consists of roughly 40 people. And all these people were gathered in a space limited lobby.
- Some of them just reached London from some other countries, some of them stayed in the same hotel on the day before, some of them were from previous tours! Imagine the confusion they have and Globus/Cosmos only allocate 2-3 visible staff to handle the gathering crowd?
- Plus, at the same time, you need to label your non-hand carry luggages with Cosmos/Globus provided tag, which can be confusing as well, as it is hard to differentiate which tag belongs to which group.
In short, baggage sorting was a mess and it could be better, even though we did not face any lost luggage.
Group sorting was a mess and it could be better.
Method of identifying which coach you should board was also a mess, but it was fine once you are already on the coach.
Once everybody is on board, the coach headed to Dover (UK port) where all participants will board a ferry. If I recall correctly, this trip to Dover took about 1-2 hours. Just make sure you have your Passport with you as the French customs will be asking for it once you enter the port, just before the ferry boarding.
Something to note about the ferry :
- You have to walk to the ferry. The distance are not very near actually, especially when you have to climb up to the Ferry entrance. Might not be good for the elderly, since we saw some of these elderly people end up being carried by a buggy/carrier (and that is upon inquiry) into the ferry.
- Since there will be hundreds of people (and vehicles such as personal cars, tour buses , etc!) boarding on the ferry through multiple entries, you really have to take note of the exit point on the ferry, since everybody will have a different exit point once the ferry reaches Calais (France) port. Or you will end-up joining the wrong group, going to the wrong exit points and re-assembly points.
- Once you are out from the ferry (using a special attached stairs, bear in mind for the elderly), there will be multiple coaches waiting for you at your assembly point. This is also confusing, since they are going to sort you (all the groups and all the luggages) out, again. This is where you meet your Tour director and the Tour Driver which will stay with you until the end of the tour.
To be continued..
Hola! Incase if you are looking for some reviews on Globus / Cosmos tour review, you have come to the right place since I have one to give out! I know it is hard to look for reviews, because I myself tried to look for one as well before I decided to purchase the tour package.
In short (if you do not have the time to read everything) :
- If you really want to have a Europe trip without spending much, it is a good offer with something to bear in mind. Read along..
- Tour meeting point during the 1st day was a mess, especially with Globus/Cosmos understaff resources, not so efficient participants sorting and a lot of activities happening at the same time!
- We got a Tour Director, in which she was not really a well-planned person. Some of the plans were on ad-hoc basis or on-request. But luckily, there are things which were consistent, for example, the release of publicity at hotel lifts/elevators.
- Hotel / Accomodation quality is average (In average the hotels are 1-3 star international rating) except when it is a Novotel. We have people travelling with us complaining their room was a mess, dirty and not ready for occupancy?? Gosh. And, if it really matter, internet is not included and you have to pay extra for that.
- One of the things we want to highlight is the accommodations were totally in somewhat remote areas with limited/hard to find convenient shops nearby. For example, we have to walk roughly 2 kilometres from our hotel, just to reach the nearest Metro station in Rome just to go to the city centre (not to mention they changed our accommodation at Rome, for worst, in the last minute). and, it takes another 8-10 stops in the Metro rail to reach the city center. In Paris, in average, the time you spent just to go to city center/place of interest from hotel was like a 1-hour. In average, you have to change like 2-3 lines on the subway and crossover 1-2 subway/Metro zone/lines. Wow, that's just..mind boggling. Plus, being located outside of the city centre means, you really have to look hard for foods and other necessities in case dinner is not included. What more if you have special diets like some of the participants which travelled with us. Not to mention the fares that you have to pay when you have to travel more than 1 zone/lines using the subways/Metro.
to be continued..
Some Background :
I have personally been to Europe several times on a different mode of travelling, specifically backpacking, with friends, family and relatives, where we arrange all necessary transportations, accomodation and what not, on our own. It was fun and a great experience by itself. So, based on this multiple trips to Europe, I do have a rough idea on how to 'suvive' in Europe before joining this Globus / Cosmos tour.
In my last trip, we decided take the Cosmos tour because of several limitation we have in the group. There were several senior members in the group who cannot afford to exercise backpacking style because of their age and capability. To cut the story short, we took the "Europe Highlights" (code number 51XX, e.g 5101, 5105, 5100), which takes roughly 13 days to complete. Boy, I (infact, all of us) was happy!
Since we are not located in the Europe or UK, we have to travel/fly to the meeting point, which is located in London (specifically, West of London, in the district of Hammersmith). Ok, that is fine.
The meeting point is at Novotel London West.
This is where all of the tour participants will gather and will be sorted out to indvidual groups. And this is where things are going to start to be confusing. From what we noticed, the arrangement was not systematic and it is really a haywire especially the process of boarding the tour coach!
Imagine :
- There are more than 1 tour which will be taking off from there. Each tour will have at least 3 groups. And each group consists of roughly 40 people. And all these people were gathered in a space limited lobby.
- Some of them just reached London from some other countries, some of them stayed in the same hotel on the day before, some of them were from previous tours! Imagine the confusion they have and Globus/Cosmos only allocate 2-3 visible staff to handle the gathering crowd?
- Plus, at the same time, you need to label your non-hand carry luggages with Cosmos/Globus provided tag, which can be confusing as well, as it is hard to differentiate which tag belongs to which group.
In short, baggage sorting was a mess and it could be better, even though we did not face any lost luggage.
Group sorting was a mess and it could be better.
Method of identifying which coach you should board was also a mess, but it was fine once you are already on the coach.
Once everybody is on board, the coach headed to Dover (UK port) where all participants will board a ferry. If I recall correctly, this trip to Dover took about 1-2 hours. Just make sure you have your Passport with you as the French customs will be asking for it once you enter the port, just before the ferry boarding.
Something to note about the ferry :
- You have to walk to the ferry. The distance are not very near actually, especially when you have to climb up to the Ferry entrance. Might not be good for the elderly, since we saw some of these elderly people end up being carried by a buggy/carrier (and that is upon inquiry) into the ferry.
- Since there will be hundreds of people (and vehicles such as personal cars, tour buses , etc!) boarding on the ferry through multiple entries, you really have to take note of the exit point on the ferry, since everybody will have a different exit point once the ferry reaches Calais (France) port. Or you will end-up joining the wrong group, going to the wrong exit points and re-assembly points.
- Once you are out from the ferry (using a special attached stairs, bear in mind for the elderly), there will be multiple coaches waiting for you at your assembly point. This is also confusing, since they are going to sort you (all the groups and all the luggages) out, again. This is where you meet your Tour director and the Tour Driver which will stay with you until the end of the tour.
To be continued..
iFree Skype Recorder - Free Skype Conversation / Call Recording Software
As a IT enthusiast, I'm a supporter of good and free software.
Currently, I'm using iFree Skype Recorder to record my conversation when using Skype, for FREE.
I have tried a few others namely MX recorder, MP3 Skype Recorder but all of them are not really free, too much hype/marketing and full of unexpected elements (e.g ads, software that calls back home..Russia? duh, etc).
With neat features such as auto-recording and multiple options to customize your recording quality and file location plus a built in player to play all recorded conversation, I strongly recommend you guys to try this out if you are looking for a good, no-cost Skype conversation / call recorder! And don't forget to support them if the application is very useful to you by recommending them in your social media or by donating some money to help iFree Skype Recorder's development work!
Check it out at their website at www.ifree-recorder.com or click the link below.
iFree Skype Recorder - Your FREE Skype call recorder
At last, I did my part!
Thanks for the great app and good luck, iFree Skype Recorder! :-)
Currently, I'm using iFree Skype Recorder to record my conversation when using Skype, for FREE.
I have tried a few others namely MX recorder, MP3 Skype Recorder but all of them are not really free, too much hype/marketing and full of unexpected elements (e.g ads, software that calls back home..Russia? duh, etc).
With neat features such as auto-recording and multiple options to customize your recording quality and file location plus a built in player to play all recorded conversation, I strongly recommend you guys to try this out if you are looking for a good, no-cost Skype conversation / call recorder! And don't forget to support them if the application is very useful to you by recommending them in your social media or by donating some money to help iFree Skype Recorder's development work!
Check it out at their website at www.ifree-recorder.com or click the link below.
iFree Skype Recorder - Your FREE Skype call recorder
At last, I did my part!
Thanks for the great app and good luck, iFree Skype Recorder! :-)
May 7, 2011
Chord: Shahir AF8 - Kebahagiaan Dalam Perpisahan
Shahir AF8 - Kebahagiaan Dalam Perpisahan
Dm C#/A
Tak perlu ucapkan sepatah kata
C/F Gm
Kerna lantang terbaca dari muka
Kau dan daku sudah tiada
Keserasian di jiwa
Bb A*
Mungkin magisnya sudah hilang
(Jeejit jeejit - bunyi palm mute distortion:-D )
Dm C#/A
Tak perlulah kita mencoba lagi
C/F Gm
Betulkan kesilapan perhubungan ini
Bila setiap perbincangan
Menjadi perbalahan
Bb A** Dm
Manakah agaknya cinta kasih
Dm Dm Gm
Embun pun takkan mampu menyubur sekuntum
A** Dm
Bunga yang layu pada musim luruh
Gm Dm
Yang dulunya mekar di sinar suria
Bb A**
Bila sudah kering pasti akan gugur
Dm Gm
Seperti cinta kita yang jelas ternyata
A** Dm
Semakin lama oh semakin rekah
Gm Dm
Menimbulkan tanya apa mungkin kita
Bb A**
Temu kebahagiaan
Dm Bb A
dalam perpisahan
Dm C#/A
Usah titis air mata kau tangiskan
C/F Gm
Ku dah cukup menampung selautan
Begitu lama ku pendam
Tapi hanya berdiam
Bb A** Dm
Kerna cuba menafi realiti
Ulang Chorus x1
Ending Chord (continue from chorus):
Bb A** Dm
Kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan
Rujukan chord:
Guitar Tuning /
String - E A D G B E
C#/A - X 4 2 2 2 0
C/F - X 3 2 2 1 1
Nota (baca kalau ada masa) :
* A - Bila pakai guitar, saya kadang-kadang guna A7 untuk tona yang lebih 'jazzy' ataupun cuba highlight tone 'tension' yang memerlukan/menandakan kita pergi semula ke root chord (dalam kes ini, next chord adalah Dm)
** Time Chorus, preferably saya guna power chord (D5, G5, Bb5, A5 etc)
** Dm - Vokal tengah nyanyi dalam rhythm A/A7, tapi chord Dm (tak caya? Try guna chord A kat sini :-P)
** A - Kadang-kadang saya suka pakai A7 untuk jazzy, fuller seventh (G) sound untuk create tension ke root chord (Dm) semula
Videoklip :
Dm C#/A
Tak perlu ucapkan sepatah kata
C/F Gm
Kerna lantang terbaca dari muka
Kau dan daku sudah tiada
Keserasian di jiwa
Bb A*
Mungkin magisnya sudah hilang
(Jeejit jeejit - bunyi palm mute distortion:-D )
Dm C#/A
Tak perlulah kita mencoba lagi
C/F Gm
Betulkan kesilapan perhubungan ini
Bila setiap perbincangan
Menjadi perbalahan
Bb A** Dm
Manakah agaknya cinta kasih
Dm Dm Gm
Embun pun takkan mampu menyubur sekuntum
A** Dm
Bunga yang layu pada musim luruh
Gm Dm
Yang dulunya mekar di sinar suria
Bb A**
Bila sudah kering pasti akan gugur
Dm Gm
Seperti cinta kita yang jelas ternyata
A** Dm
Semakin lama oh semakin rekah
Gm Dm
Menimbulkan tanya apa mungkin kita
Bb A**
Temu kebahagiaan
Dm Bb A
dalam perpisahan
Dm C#/A
Usah titis air mata kau tangiskan
C/F Gm
Ku dah cukup menampung selautan
Begitu lama ku pendam
Tapi hanya berdiam
Bb A** Dm
Kerna cuba menafi realiti
Ulang Chorus x1
Ending Chord (continue from chorus):
Bb A** Dm
Kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan
Rujukan chord:
Guitar Tuning /
String - E A D G B E
C#/A - X 4 2 2 2 0
C/F - X 3 2 2 1 1
Nota (baca kalau ada masa) :
* A - Bila pakai guitar, saya kadang-kadang guna A7 untuk tona yang lebih 'jazzy' ataupun cuba highlight tone 'tension' yang memerlukan/menandakan kita pergi semula ke root chord (dalam kes ini, next chord adalah Dm)
** Time Chorus, preferably saya guna power chord (D5, G5, Bb5, A5 etc)
** Dm - Vokal tengah nyanyi dalam rhythm A/A7, tapi chord Dm (tak caya? Try guna chord A kat sini :-P)
** A - Kadang-kadang saya suka pakai A7 untuk jazzy, fuller seventh (G) sound untuk create tension ke root chord (Dm) semula
Videoklip :
chord kord,
kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan,
lirik lyrics,
May 6, 2011
Chord Lagu : Melly Goeslow + Yusry KRU - Dibius Cinta
Hello, tak sangka dah setahun tak jenguk blog ini. Cuba tengok bila posting terakhir blog ini!
Rasanya maybe inilah masa yang sesuai untuk mulakan sesuatu kat blog ini.
Intro :
Em G Am C
Verse :
G F#/D
Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Cinta yang malu kukatakan
Am AmMaj7* (atau A/Eaug)
Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Am7 D
Sampai aku tak bisa berkata
Dm E Am Cm*
Kau membiusku sampai aku jadi sering melamun
G D D7
Memikirkan kita bisakah bersama
Aku bius Cinta
Em E**
Cintamu yang tak ada tandingan
Namun mungkin tak bisa
Am** D
Entah ku tak tahu
G B Em E**
Kita yang malu hati untuk mengakui saling cinta
C Am** D
Usaha sekeras hati bersama selamanya
G D Am C (repeat G D Am C)
Aku dibius cinta
Last Verse:
Em G D Am***
Aku dibius cinta
Ada juga saya search kat internet nak tengok kalau-kalau ada yang dah tulis chord lagu ini.
Memang ada, tapi :
1) ada yang guna chord yang salah, ataupun
2) tak menepati citarasa saya (citarasa masing-masing kan berbeza :)!
Ok lah, Settle!
Harap anda suka dan harap ini dapat bantu sesiapa yang nak cari chord lagu ini!
Kalau suka, boleh link kan ke blog anda atau FB anda :-)
Nah videoklip untuk anda cuba chord dan play-along :
Rasanya maybe inilah masa yang sesuai untuk mulakan sesuatu kat blog ini.
Untuk permulaan, mungkin saya boleh kongsikan penemuan/pencarian ad-hoc baru sahaja sebentar tadi!
Sambil lepak disofa, saya capai guitar buruk saya dan dengarkan MP3 di komputer saya.
Apa yang saya buat adalah, saya cuba cari chord lagu duet Melly dan Yusry - Dibius Cinta.
Intro :
Em G Am C
Verse :
G F#/D
Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Cinta yang malu kukatakan
Am AmMaj7* (atau A/Eaug)
Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Am7 D
Sampai aku tak bisa berkata
Dm E Am Cm*
Kau membiusku sampai aku jadi sering melamun
G D D7
Memikirkan kita bisakah bersama
Aku bius Cinta
Em E**
Cintamu yang tak ada tandingan
Namun mungkin tak bisa
Am** D
Entah ku tak tahu
G B Em E**
Kita yang malu hati untuk mengakui saling cinta
C Am** D
Usaha sekeras hati bersama selamanya
G D Am C (repeat G D Am C)
Aku dibius cinta
Last Verse:
Em G D Am***
Aku dibius cinta
Em G D Am***
Aku dibius cinta
Rujukan chord:
Guitar Tuning /
String - E A D G B E
F#/D - 2 X 0 2 3 2
AmMaj7 - X 0 2 1 1 0
AmMaj7 - X 0 2 1 1 0
Nota (baca kalau ada masa) :
* AmMaj7 - Boleh juga pakai bentuk A/Eaug
* Cm - Bila pakai guitar, saya kadang-kadang guna Cm7 untuk tona yang lebih 'jazzy' ataupun cuba highlight tone 'tension' yang memerlukan/menandakan kita pergi semula ke root chord (dalam kes ini, next chord/note adalah G)
** Time Chorus, preferably saya guna power chord (G5, E5, C5, etc)
** E - Ganti dengan E7 untuk create 'tension' ke next resolving chord
** Am - Kadang-kadang saya suka pakai Am7 untuk jazzy, fuller G / root (dalam kes ini, root note is G) note sound
Ada juga saya search kat internet nak tengok kalau-kalau ada yang dah tulis chord lagu ini.
Memang ada, tapi :
1) ada yang guna chord yang salah, ataupun
2) tak menepati citarasa saya (citarasa masing-masing kan berbeza :)!
Ok lah, Settle!
Harap anda suka dan harap ini dapat bantu sesiapa yang nak cari chord lagu ini!
Kalau suka, boleh link kan ke blog anda atau FB anda :-)
Nah videoklip untuk anda cuba chord dan play-along :
chord kord,
dibius cinta,
lirik lyrics,
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